Month: August 2015

Saltstack workshop – Kya aapke Stack mein Salt hai?

Helped Krace and Saravana organize SaltStack workshop today at Redhat office, Bangalore (IN) [meetup link: Workshop on SaltStack] with a count of around 35-40 participants. The aim was to give a hands-on intro to concepts of salt stack, like minions, master, grains, pillars, state files, salt modules.. However, due to time constraints, some installation problem diagnosis and interesting questions being put up actively by a few, all topics could not be covered. Although my doubts were cleared, thanks to Krace and Saravana for putting effort and time into the presentation!


Note to Self: On Quants

Disclaimer: I’m not mentioning the source of quotes in the statements below. The video juggles between different quants, because obviously its a documentary. Not keeping a track of it for now, please watch the video in case the sources interest you here.

Notes from the transcription (includes the quotes):
